

I have always wanted to see peter. All the memories...stake dances, hanging out with my brother Dan, singing in the car, Karate Kid..Glory of love. You have to admit..it's a good song, okay you don't have to. Well he came to Spokane last night. Want to know the sign of a true friend??? Not having to go to a Peter Cetera concert by yourself. BFF Leigh came with me. Me and all the Geriatrics...it was okay once you got past the nursing home smell. The concert was great...the audience...it was past their bedtime, so not very lively. Then there is Ruth, the attendant that got after us for taking a picture of ourselves in the theater, being in the second to the last row, I doubt we were bothering anybody. But Peter...he didn't let me down, he did all the fancy dancing and hand moves I could have dreamed for.As if we were still in high school...lol..after the concert we went to go meet him...alcoholic. He wasn't the friendliest of semi-famous people, he wouldn't let us take a pic with him, just a group pic that he plans on putting onhis website but all in all..it was good times!


We are having a visitor tonight...the toothfairy!

Well Karli finally lost tooth #2, it's been loose for
quite a while. She's so excited..she can finally eat normal, she was
looking kinda goofy taking bites using her molars!


My Jodi..I found her!

I recently found my friend Jodi who I met in college to find out..she got married and is pregnant. Yay!! Im so happy for her! Here we are at her baby shower, well there's part of me. She's having a girl and she will be just as sweet as she is.

Kyran..or ROCK STAR!

Kyran has been taking guitar lessons for a few
months now and doing awesome! Im excited for his
Christmas recital!

YUM...Marshmallow and cheese!

Yesterday I looked over and saw Karli eating something I couldn't
recognize...So I asked her what she was eating, she said..
Marshmallow and cheese!


St. George

On the way to Glendale, we stopped in St. George and visited Aunt Emily, Trevor and Traven. It was so great to see them!

Glendale Utah

Right after the first day of school we went to Glendale Utah to a cabin ther...the kids had a blast playing , swimming in the ice cold water, volleyball, hiking, going down zip lines and more!


Kyran(10)..Going into 4th Grade with Mrs. Collins. He loves Animals, especially reptiles and dogs, skateboarding (hence the vans shirt and shoes) and Sports. His loves to run and is very fast..like the wind. His favorite band is the Killers. He has two turtles, Sprite and Squirt. He is currently saving up for a bearded dragon lizard. He also likes to let go of the power within (inside joke..literally).
Karli(6)..Going into first Grade with Miss Wing. She is full of life! Her favorite things are drawing, dancing, swimming, and playing with friends. She is our little miracle girl, she's a big spirit in a little body. She's part tom boy, part princess. She likes to play sports with her brother and loves littlest pet shop toys and stuffed animals.